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VDA 6.3 Audit

Our experienced auditors will help with the evaluation of processes in your company or at suppliers. Get an independent view of certified professionals on your processes and increase the quality of production.

Process audit VDA 6.3 is an effective process evaluation process in connection with product planning and production. Audits are performed within the organization or at suppliers before the start of the series, or to evaluate the efficiency of all production processes in order to assess process performance and capability and product quality, internal discrepancies, staff competence, production capacity, communication, etc.. In addition, potential analysis – as part of VDA 6.3 – also represents a tried and tested method of selecting new suppliers, taking into account the process approach and relevant customer requirements and holistic applications in the automotive industry. These include general requirements, methods, principles, evaluation system, risk analysis.

VDA 6.3 is mainly used in the automotive industry and can be used as a process audit tool for any organization, regardless of the scope of its business.

Audit according to the VDA 6.3: 2016 methodology

• Audit planning

• Audit realisations

• Initial and final interview, communication of requirements during the audit, questioning techniques, record keeping.

• Audit report processing

• Presentation of results, formulation of measures taken and monitoring of their subsequent implementation.

• Defining an action plan with an explanation.