
© 2024 Stingray Studio

End of line check

Ensuring 100% independent inspection of end-of-line parts before exporting to the customer instead of you. Elimination of small deficiencies on the spot.

Inspection of finished products at the end of the production line as part of a serial process. The requirements generally apply to parts of key components, functions and defined specifications. The goal is to maintain customer confidence and avoid complaints.

Independence of performance from other processes in production and a clear orientation to the result of 100% control, sorting of repairs at the end of the line will provide you with independent information. The objective results of inspections, sorting and repairs will give you a clear overview of the real problems in production.

100% optical inspection, sorting and repair is the main focus of QSR24h and we have many years of experience in managing S&R processes. QSR24h has a certified process control system, occupational health and environmental protection. When executing orders, we respect all internal regulations and requirements. Arranging a workplace with 5S principles is a matter of course. The QSR24h Coordinator communicates with all stakeholders in your company, ensures and controls compliance with processes and sets up the smooth running of inspections, sorting and repairs. By performing internal audits, we detect possible deviations from the standard and ensure the best possible results by corrective measures. Any congestion is always analyzed in detail and corrective measures in the form of 8D are defined using standard ishikawa, 5 why procedures. Customer satisfaction is always for our company at 1 . place.