
© 2024 Stingray Studio

Assembly & disassembly

We provide assembly or disassembly of components with subsequent quality control in our control and production halls or directly at our customers.

Assembly and disassembly work can be performed at the component level directly at your place, or at the end users, or in our own premises. QSR24h is very well equipped with tooling and general equipment, including specialized material handling equipment. Within this specially equipped space, we are able to perform the necessary repairs, rework, or assembly operations. During assembly work, we create complete parts assemblies from individual components and increase their added value. By concentrating the production of assemblies and modules close to OEMs, we reduce parts tourism and thus the carbon footprint that individual components often leave in unnecessary relocations. OEM proximity also allows for quick assembly corrections, reducing post-processing costs for defective components. We perform disassembly work either directly on finished cars at OEMs in order to replace built-in assemblies, or as disassembly of parts for individual components that can be re-evaluated. It is a convenient alternative to scrapping parts and reducing the environmental burden.